Life a dew drop

A new ray of sunlight,
Small dewdrops,
Breeze kissing the face,
Tingling through the hair,
Whispering into the ears,
Bringing freshness on the face,
To treasure this feeling,
Forever and ever…

Life seems to be dancing on the edge of time,
Like dewdrops on the tip of a leaf,
Life as evanescent as the morning dew,
The freshness with the first light of the day,
Descends slowly with the day approaching it’s peak.

Like each day begins,
Each dew drops symbolizing begin of a new hope,
The size of each drops representing the life’s agony,
Life seems to be a puzzle engulfed within itself,
Giving a tough fight at times, or an amusement.
Whatever the day be, it ends somewhere to begin a new,
Stops somewhere, to start a new,
Gets killed, to take a rebirth.

Life is like a dew drop,
Life is like a dew drop,
At the edge of some leaf,
Trying to retain itself from falling.

The Almighty

It’s him all around
It’s he who shows the path
He is the guide
The strength, the confidence, the vigor
He is the universe
The ways, the light
The sky so wide
The ocean so deep
The essence of universe
The creator of beings
The altitude of waves
The noise so musical
His wrath so deadly
The serenity of the nature
The depth of the silence
The vigor he instill
It’s his virtue uncomparable
The motion of the atmosphere
The ups and downs, highs and lows
The silence so sweet
The feeling so invigorating
The beautiful silence of the stars
The incessant galaxy
The lovely universe
The feeling of him within
The awakening of self
It’s him always
It’s him always

A walk of togetherness

It’s us “You” and “Me”
Lets forget the world
And feel our existence
The feeling of being
The feeling of the beautiful creation in form of us, by the powerful almighty

The love encompassing the breadth around us
The fragrance of our embrace enchanting our souls
The silence of the eyes, speaking the feelings within
The thoughts orbiting through the mind
Whistling a lonesome tune of love

You are the source, l am the power
You are the words, I am the silence
You are the steps, I am by your side
Let walk together, and conquer the conquest
It’s the together of togetherness of us that will win us through…

The Seashore of Rememberance

The pretty pebbles,
The beautiful shells,
I clutches them in my palms,
Feeling so deep and enchanting,
Fascinates the beauty,
Inspires the imagination deep within,
Bringing joy to the soul.

Sitting silent in a reverie,
Watching the changing colors of the beautiful waves,
That breaks into the idle seashore of the mind,
Far away sea unites with the sky,
As getting oneness with it forever.

Takes me into a deep thought,
Of us together,
Like sea, Like us,
No matter the season be,
No matter the reason be,
Embracing each other,
Like sea embracing the shore.

The waves hitting the beach,
The touch of water on my feet,
Sensuous, enfolding, enlightening the soul,
Feeling of you by my side,
My mind thinks of you,
That beholds the breadth,
The world ceases to exists,
And the only souls it’s just we.