
Ever felt strange in your own city..!!? Ever tried talking to strangers? Ever had a random encounter or fleeting moment with a total stranger?

Experiencing such moments occasionally revitalizes the moods and emotions and rewires the brain to be more outgoing and think things in a wider sense. It broadens the perspective we have about certain things in life.

Doing the usual daily chores in life gets us into the same usual routine and the human mind easily gets accustomed to such mundane tasks. A little twist in the routine may create an interference in the daily activity flow.

Not all days are the same, not all days could be cheerful. Highs and lows are part of each one’s life. So the emotions, expressions and moments that we come across each day is the same for all humans across the globe. It’s just the matter of perspective at the receiving end.

We all live in this big world full of random people. Daily we cross numerous unknown faces, barely remembering few on the way. These unknowns and strange faces does have some impacts somewhere or at some moment in our life. It could be conscious or unconscious.

Let’s get to few examples, and you will definitely remember your own moments through. When you are standing at the traffic signal, you definitely gaze around and look out on the people and their activities. You even comment or talk to them, though not knowing them. When you visit the shopping store, definitely you take a glance across the place. How many of these times have you read the people just by a mere glace? Yes definitely all of you. It does happen.

We all have the quality of sensing the known. When we are around the people, just by having a glance we do come to know about the person’s personality and mood. Which indeed is an amazing thing. This gets you to know if it’s appropriate to approach someone or not.

To experience something different or spice in life, try out something different with the stranger. This needs to be just the small gestures, and you would me amazed by the impact it could bring in your and their lives. When we tend to provide a smile on someone’s face, it does touches their and our heart both. It’s a gesture of self satisfaction. Try interacting with the stranger in a positive way, and you could explore a new area of yourself you might have not known.

This brings you out of the box and out of our comfort zone, adding a new experience.

Sparkling Beauty

After the long days journey through the jungle trails – trekking and walking in the heat. When the group sat down in the evening for the camp fire, it was a great fun. Everyone around was cheering, dancing, singing, laughing, indeed a great relaxing time for all. The flames of fire providing heat to us, relaxing our bones and mind, was unstraining our body. The melody of the songs, the chit chat of the group around was mesmerizing and refreshing. No one looked a bit tired after a hectic day.

This is the power of being together and enjoying the little bits of happiness. These small happiness are much valuable and memorable.

Just as we were enjoying the mood, I happened to glance up at the sky and the trees around. I could feel a big smile encompassing on my face. It was the joy of seeing those sparling little stars far up in the sky. And no wonder I started counting them and after few moments lost their count and I started giggling to myself realizing what I was doing.

“STARS” they have always infatuated my mind since I was a kid. The twinkling sparkling light of it enchants the soul. It’s not just the star, it’s the infinity in itself. The infinity of it’s existence, it’s presence. It’s sparkle never fades no matter where it’s shining or when it’s shining. The number or size doesn’t matter, they are always together enhacing the beauty of the sky.

This does give us humans some message of sparkling bright high above all. Be it wind, rain or clouds, we need to be resilient enough to get back. The nature, the weather, the seasons around are always temporary. It’s our will power and the effort, that makes us consistent and strong. It’s the acceptance of the fact and facing te reality that matters to shine high always.

So this was definitely the lesson of the day, from no other than the beautiful nature surrounding us. That we generally tend to ignore due to our lifestyle. These things does require only a moment to realize and refresh our self and our existence. So definitely we do need a pause button in our life, to halt and experience something new, something different. And not only by doing something big or from something big, but from some tiny little things in this big huge world we exists.

Ideas Enveloped

Sitting beside a riverside alone, engulfed into the thoughts so deep. Admiring the waves, water and the gentle breeze. I find myself absorbed into a different feeling, detached from the world. The mind so powerful, seems to be whirling with different emotions and ideas. And that was it when the mind activated itself, bombarding in full force the sack full of ideas. It’s the power of mind that captivates you to the things happening around. Though we call it a luck or destiny. But the actual culprit is our brain or our mind. Be it consciously or unconsciously thought of, it’s actually the fact in real sense. The things happening with us or around us, first take birth in the mind itself. Be it for our self or for others. The mind perceives things hazily and unconsciously, though we might not be aware of it.

It’s all our sensual perceptions and the feeling around of being somethings and making things happen in an extraordinary way that determines the  existence and the happening of the events determined to happen at some or the other point of time in our life. Somethings uncontrollable and the mind so powerful to make it happen and the universe with all it’s might and force trying to make it happen, when ultimately realizing those things make you wonder about the facts and figures associated with them. It’s the idea of giving birth to the ideas that itself is so infatuating that it makes oneself fall for themselves in a way so pious and conjectural that can only be felt from deep within.

The mind rustling and bustling with it’s observable power, in full might, the way powerful in itself. Even the universe so deep is fully engulfed in this small mighty being so powerful to make things go on as if it’s the only thing that was meant to be.

Food for the Weekend

So weekend approaching….!!! No plans yet…. Or something great already planned…??

Few might have planned, while few might not have planned. Or some might still be busy with their regular hectic schedules. Office, home, family, friends, etc. etc..

Just pause for a moment, twist and twirl your brain. Some thought will arrive. There might be something you always wanted to do since long, but due to busy schedules you are unable to do. Correct..?? Think over again, some hobbies, some places to visit, something extra ordinary you willing to do… Yes correct, you on the right track, concentrate more.

So cloaked into the random thoughts in your mind? Unable to get through? So let me help you out.

Let’s list down few things you would like to do since long. Let me know if this list consists of the thoughts that just crossed your mind. Or this list might help you think or remind you of anything that you might be missing since long.

  1. Cooking something different or your favourite recipe.
  2. Loads of Shopping or shopping something different. (Coolest thing to do, if you have a budget)
  3. Going to museum or planetarium (if available in your city)
  4. Getting into your wardrobe, and cleaning the mess (Most exciting thing to do, since you come across stuffs that you never new it did exists.. So do try out!)
  5. Reading a novel you always wanted to, but due to lack of time you didn’t (Get on then..)
  6. Running on the streets or in the park (Then get into your running shoes buddy…!)
  7. Spent lone time with your spouse and children. (Yaah truly get going..)
  8. Something adventurous you wanted to do always (Why wait then..? Though alone, get going…)
  9. Some social work (Try spending some time with those unfortunate ones, you might find yourself at peace at the end of the day)
  10. Watch some old movies or TV serial (that you rarely watch or never watched)
  11. Make a call to your long lost friends (best friend / childhood friend / any friend of yours with whom you haven’t talked to in years.. They might feel good and you too would feel good…)
  12. Be spiritual (or spend some lone time with God..)
  13. Spent time with nature (Be it gardening)
  14. Get into your bookshelf and find some old interesting books

So these are the few random thoughts that I could pen down. There might be more to it.

Our mind is like a canvas. We can paint our own picture onto it. It’s just the freedom of thoughts or ideas that are required to paint it down. We need to spare some moments to capture those thoughts and execute it. There are loads of want of creativity within us, that needs to be explored in order to get something newness in life, and to fully discover ourself. Spending time with others around us, with our loved one is a total agreeable thing. But sparing some time for ourself is a justice to ourself.

It’s been very difficult to be yourself in this fussy world. You need to be with others in order to compete and get going in life. But the ultimate truth is to be at peace with yourself, thats rarely found. Holding onto the ideas, beliefs, concepts of the existing world doesn’t allow us to explore new possibilities and insight. So it’s better to give a try to realise the potential of something new within us.

So enough food for the mind to ponder on. Try giving a shot once, exploring something new and different within yourself.

Kick up yourself, and getting going.

Let me know what’s your food for this weekend. Chew well, explore well.

Have a great weekend readers.

Do provide your inputs.

Happy reading…!! 🙂