Food for the Weekend

So weekend approaching….!!! No plans yet…. Or something great already planned…??

Few might have planned, while few might not have planned. Or some might still be busy with their regular hectic schedules. Office, home, family, friends, etc. etc..

Just pause for a moment, twist and twirl your brain. Some thought will arrive. There might be something you always wanted to do since long, but due to busy schedules you are unable to do. Correct..?? Think over again, some hobbies, some places to visit, something extra ordinary you willing to do… Yes correct, you on the right track, concentrate more.

So cloaked into the random thoughts in your mind? Unable to get through? So let me help you out.

Let’s list down few things you would like to do since long. Let me know if this list consists of the thoughts that just crossed your mind. Or this list might help you think or remind you of anything that you might be missing since long.

  1. Cooking something different or your favourite recipe.
  2. Loads of Shopping or shopping something different. (Coolest thing to do, if you have a budget)
  3. Going to museum or planetarium (if available in your city)
  4. Getting into your wardrobe, and cleaning the mess (Most exciting thing to do, since you come across stuffs that you never new it did exists.. So do try out!)
  5. Reading a novel you always wanted to, but due to lack of time you didn’t (Get on then..)
  6. Running on the streets or in the park (Then get into your running shoes buddy…!)
  7. Spent lone time with your spouse and children. (Yaah truly get going..)
  8. Something adventurous you wanted to do always (Why wait then..? Though alone, get going…)
  9. Some social work (Try spending some time with those unfortunate ones, you might find yourself at peace at the end of the day)
  10. Watch some old movies or TV serial (that you rarely watch or never watched)
  11. Make a call to your long lost friends (best friend / childhood friend / any friend of yours with whom you haven’t talked to in years.. They might feel good and you too would feel good…)
  12. Be spiritual (or spend some lone time with God..)
  13. Spent time with nature (Be it gardening)
  14. Get into your bookshelf and find some old interesting books

So these are the few random thoughts that I could pen down. There might be more to it.

Our mind is like a canvas. We can paint our own picture onto it. It’s just the freedom of thoughts or ideas that are required to paint it down. We need to spare some moments to capture those thoughts and execute it. There are loads of want of creativity within us, that needs to be explored in order to get something newness in life, and to fully discover ourself. Spending time with others around us, with our loved one is a total agreeable thing. But sparing some time for ourself is a justice to ourself.

It’s been very difficult to be yourself in this fussy world. You need to be with others in order to compete and get going in life. But the ultimate truth is to be at peace with yourself, thats rarely found. Holding onto the ideas, beliefs, concepts of the existing world doesn’t allow us to explore new possibilities and insight. So it’s better to give a try to realise the potential of something new within us.

So enough food for the mind to ponder on. Try giving a shot once, exploring something new and different within yourself.

Kick up yourself, and getting going.

Let me know what’s your food for this weekend. Chew well, explore well.

Have a great weekend readers.

Do provide your inputs.

Happy reading…!! 🙂